Guardhouse Storage Boxes for 2x2 Tetra
Plastic Coin Holders

Guardhouse cardboard 2x2 plastic coin holder storage boxes are heavy duty and feature black flock lined interior slots designed to hold the plastic 2x2 with no movement or rattling. They work with Marcus, Tetra, BCW, Whitman and Lighthouse 2x2 square coin holders. Single row boxes hold 25 holders and double row boxes hold 50.

Guardhouse Single and Double Row Tetra 2x2 Storage Boxes

Guardhouse tetra storage box
Note: Proof Silver Eagles protected with capsules issued by the US Mint fit these Tetra 2x2 boxes.

Description Price Quantity
Single Row Box
2 x 2 Single Row Box - Holds 25
12 3/8" long, 2 3/8" wide, 2 1/4" high
Double Row Box
2 x 2 Double Row Box - Holds 50
12 3/8" long, 4 5/8" wide, 2 1/4" high

The Tetra 2x2 Capsules for these boxes can be ordered HERE.

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